Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Express Yourself

I'll admit it....sometimes I'm an angry person.

Okay, let me clarify, I have angry outbursts...but, in my defense, I believe that each event is warranted and only as a last resort (fine, second resort).

But one of the things that I pride myself on in my life is being honest about my feelings toward a person or situation. If I'm happy, I express happiness. If I'm sad, I express sadness. If I'm hangry (you know, hungry and angry), I express my hangriness. If I'm angry, I express my anger. What I don't do, or at least try NOT to do, is be passive aggressive. For those of you who were unaware:

Passive aggressive (n): denoting or pertaining to a personality type or behavior marked by the expression of negative emotions in passive, indirect ways, as through manipulation or noncooperation.

So, knowing this about me, you're probably asking "Why are you talking about passive aggressiveness?" Well, I have been on the receiving end of some passive aggressive actions and behaviors recently, and it has left the worst of tastes in my mouth. One would think that adults, who know that life comes with stressors and situations we cannot always control and definitely do not always like, would find better ways of expressing themselves and their feelings.

That is, unfortunately, not the case. It's even worse when it's family or a person you depend on for housing, food, clothing, etc. whom acts in a passive aggressive manor towards you. And you are stuck being unable to say anything to address the situation because, as I previously mentioned, you are dependent on them for certain basic necessities. People take advantage of situations like the one described above. They take measures to make you feel isolated, left out, walking on egg shells, and like you're not wanted around.

Distance yourself from people like this. Run, don't walk, away from situations that make you fully or even partially dependent on another person for anything in life. Make contingency plans, Plans B-Z, take an alternate route and get yourself out of that toxic situation. Make sure, at the end of the day, that you're only dependent on YOU. Allow no one to hold things over your head.

Trust me, it leads to far fewer headaches.